Around the Moon - Adventurers 6x9" Watercolor Sketchbook
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Around The Moon - 6x9" Gold - Disc-Bound Adventurers Watercolor Journal
WARNING: Only Astronauts Can Buy This Journal *** Do Not Read further if you are not an astronaut *** ### Top Secret Information Is Below ###
So you think you have the chops to be an astronaut.
It’s a long journey to the moon, Apollo 8 and Tesla Starman can attest to that.
It was recently revealed in a top-secret CIA document that this very journal was found on both starships. No, really!
It makes sense though, if a Starperson were truly prepared (astronauts are known for their preparedness) they would be carrying this journal along, sketching all of their adventures along the way.
Just look at this journal, covered in tracks, and craters, and ravines of the moon. Whose tracks do you ask? Aliens of course. Another reason to pack this very journal, you can use it as a shield against alien laser beams.
Any moon mission has a lot of gold surfaces on board, reflecting solar radiation back into space, ahh, that explains the gold rings holding this journal together.
Whizzing through space at 24 thousand miles/hr in perfect darkness, circling around the moon and BOOM!!
A blue and green marble so bright & bold in the emptiness of space, it brings a tear to your eye, just like the inside of this journal.
Now you know you're on the right track home, so get to painting, you Voyager!